From the Pastor's Pen
Pass it on! - February 29, 2024
Mark 15:21 - Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross.
Simon had traveled all the way from Cyrenian in northern Africa in order to celebrate the Passover feast in Jerusalem. He would’ve been excited, yet humbled, as he made it to the holy temple, perhaps even carrying his sacrificial lamb; but that is when something caught his attention. He noticed a crowd that had gathered along the pathway that led outside of the city of Jerusalem.
As he got closer to see what was going on, he saw this Man, but not just any Man. It was this Man who had already been horribly beaten, sentenced to death, and was now struggling to physically carry His own cross to be crucified on.
This very well may have been Simon’s last glimpse of Jesus, had it not been for one of the Roman soldiers who shouted out and ordered for Simon to carry this Man’s Cross who could not carry it for Himself. The Bible doesn’t tell us what Simon thought, or how he felt as he carried the cross for Jesus through the streets up to the hill called Golgotha; but there’s no doubt it changed him forever.
Mark goes on to note that Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. the reason this is important is that both Alexander and Rufus were well known believers in the early church. Rufus is mentioned in Romans 16:13. This causes me to believe that, because of Simon’s encounter with Jesus, he ended up becoming a believer and passed his faith on to his sons, Alexander and Rufus.
Whenever we have a life-changing encounter with Christ, it should become our desire to pass our faith to the next generation.
Things to think about……
How has having a personal encounter with Jesus changed your life?
Who are you spiritually pouring into so that God can continue to be glorified long after you are gone?
Keep your eyes on the Son,
Pastor Dayton
Simon had traveled all the way from Cyrenian in northern Africa in order to celebrate the Passover feast in Jerusalem. He would’ve been excited, yet humbled, as he made it to the holy temple, perhaps even carrying his sacrificial lamb; but that is when something caught his attention. He noticed a crowd that had gathered along the pathway that led outside of the city of Jerusalem.
As he got closer to see what was going on, he saw this Man, but not just any Man. It was this Man who had already been horribly beaten, sentenced to death, and was now struggling to physically carry His own cross to be crucified on.
This very well may have been Simon’s last glimpse of Jesus, had it not been for one of the Roman soldiers who shouted out and ordered for Simon to carry this Man’s Cross who could not carry it for Himself. The Bible doesn’t tell us what Simon thought, or how he felt as he carried the cross for Jesus through the streets up to the hill called Golgotha; but there’s no doubt it changed him forever.
Mark goes on to note that Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. the reason this is important is that both Alexander and Rufus were well known believers in the early church. Rufus is mentioned in Romans 16:13. This causes me to believe that, because of Simon’s encounter with Jesus, he ended up becoming a believer and passed his faith on to his sons, Alexander and Rufus.
Whenever we have a life-changing encounter with Christ, it should become our desire to pass our faith to the next generation.
Things to think about……
How has having a personal encounter with Jesus changed your life?
Who are you spiritually pouring into so that God can continue to be glorified long after you are gone?
Keep your eyes on the Son,
Pastor Dayton

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